NIEM Wayfarer 5.1

Disclaimer: This tool was developed by Tom Carlson Consulting LLC. It was created from the official distribution of the data model. Tom Carlson Consulting LLC makes neither claim nor warranty that this tool provides an accurate representation of the NIEM data model. For official and authoritative representations, please visit the official NIEM release website. Non-English text Powered by Google Translate.


nc:Area (nc:AreaType)

A location identified by geographic boundaries.

View UML for type: nc:AreaType

nc:Area is contained within these types:
  • Cannot be directly contained in anything
nc:Area can contain:
nc:Area can be contained in any of these elements:
  • Cannot be directly contained in anything
Everything nc:Area can contain:
  • via nc:AreaType
    • nc:AreaDescriptionText A description of an area.
    • nc:AreaCircularRegion A circular area identified by a center coordinate and a radius.
    • nc:AreaPolygonRegion A polygon area identified by a set of coordinates.
    • mo:Ellipse An ellipse, expressed as an XY plane (projected onto earth's surface) ellipse. The major axis is oriented along reported azimuth, with zero being due North.
    • mo:WGS84LocationEllipse A area region described by an ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation, using WGS84, meters, and decimal degrees.
    • mo:WGS84LocationExternalPolygon An area region described by a polygon with no interior region, using WGS84 coordinates.
  • via structures:ObjectType
    • Nothing