NIEM Wayfarer 5.1

Disclaimer: This tool was developed by Tom Carlson Consulting LLC. It was created from the official distribution of the data model. Tom Carlson Consulting LLC makes neither claim nor warranty that this tool provides an accurate representation of the NIEM data model. For official and authoritative representations, please visit the official NIEM release website. Non-English text Powered by Google Translate.


mo:Target (mo:TargetType)

A role of an entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action.

View UML for type: mo:TargetType

mo:Target is contained within these types:
mo:Target can contain:
  • mo:TargetIdentification
        An identification of a target.
  • mo:TargetResultingDamage
        A quantitative extent of physical damage to a target resulting from the application of military force.
  • mo:MeanPointOfImpactAimpoint
        A point whose coordinates are the arithmetic means of the coordinates of the separate points of impact/burst of a finite number of projectiles fired or released at the same aiming point under a given set of conditions.
  • mo:DesiredPointOfImpactAimpoint
        A precise point, associated with a target and assigned as the impact point for a single unitary weapon to create a desired effect. Also called DPI.
  • mo:RoleOfUnit
        A unit, of which the containing object is a role.
  • nc:RoleOfPerson
        A person of whom the role object is a function.
  • mo:RoleOfFacility
        A facility, of which the containing object is a role.
  • mo:TargetLocation
        A geographic coordinate of the target.
  • mo:MILSTD2525-B-SIDC-Code
        A symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
  • mo:MILSTD2525-C-SIDC-Code
        A symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
  • mo:MILSTD2525-D-SIDC
        A symbol identification code, a numeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
  • mo:CourseAngleDegreesMeasure
        An angular distance measured in degrees of a direction from a chosen reference direction. The measured and reference directions are located in the horizontal plane, and the value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
  • nc:SpeedMeasure
        A measure of a speed or rate of motion.
  • mo:TargetDescriptionText
        A description of a target.
  • nc:ExpirationDate
        A date after which information is no longer valid.
mo:Target can be contained in any of these elements:
Everything mo:Target can contain:
  • via mo:TargetType
    • mo:TargetIdentification An identification of a target.
    • mo:TargetResultingDamage A quantitative extent of physical damage to a target resulting from the application of military force.
    • mo:MeanPointOfImpactAimpoint A point whose coordinates are the arithmetic means of the coordinates of the separate points of impact/burst of a finite number of projectiles fired or released at the same aiming point under a given set of conditions.
    • mo:DesiredPointOfImpactAimpoint A precise point, associated with a target and assigned as the impact point for a single unitary weapon to create a desired effect. Also called DPI.
    • mo:RoleOfUnit A unit, of which the containing object is a role.
    • nc:RoleOfPerson A person of whom the role object is a function.
    • mo:RoleOfFacility A facility, of which the containing object is a role.
    • mo:TargetLocation A geographic coordinate of the target.
    • mo:MILSTD2525-B-SIDC-Code A symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
    • mo:MILSTD2525-C-SIDC-Code A symbol identification code, an alphanumeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
    • mo:MILSTD2525-D-SIDC A symbol identification code, a numeric code based on a database structure that provides the minimum elements required to construct the basic icon and/or a complete symbol. Also called SIDC.
    • mo:CourseAngleDegreesMeasure An angular distance measured in degrees of a direction from a chosen reference direction. The measured and reference directions are located in the horizontal plane, and the value of the angle is positive in a clockwise direction as viewed from "above" the horizontal plane.
    • nc:SpeedMeasure A measure of a speed or rate of motion.
    • mo:TargetDescriptionText A description of a target.
    • nc:ExpirationDate A date after which information is no longer valid.
  • via structures:ObjectType
    • Nothing