Disclaimer: This tool was developed by Tom Carlson Consulting LLC. It was created from the official distribution of the data model. Tom Carlson Consulting LLC makes neither claim nor warranty that this tool provides an accurate representation of the NIEM data model. For official and authoritative representations, please visit the official NIEM release website.
A unit which conducts some sort of business or operations.
nc:Organization holds other objects.
nc:Organization can hold any of these following objects, starting with the most specific and becoming more generic as you move down the list:
An abbreviation, acronym, or code for an organization name.
Holds text.
True if an organization is active; false if it is inactive.
Holds true/false values.
An activity that an organization is known or thought to be involved with.
Holds text.
A name of the chapter or branch by which an organization is known within a larger group of organizations.
Holds text.
A kind or functional type of organization.
Holds text.
A kind of organization.
Holds code table entries.
A functional kind of an organization.
Holds code table entries.
A kind of organization.
Holds code table entries.
A means of contacting an organization during daytime hours.
Holds other objects.
A description of an organization.
Holds text.
A name an organization uses for conducting business.
Holds text.
A means of contacting an organization in the event of an emergency.
Holds other objects.
A date an organization was started.
Holds other objects.
A means of contacting an organization during evening or early night hours.
Holds other objects.
A foreign organization that has some relationship or association with an organization.
Holds other objects.
An identification that references an organization.
Holds other objects.
True if an organization is incorporated; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A date an organization incorporated (e.g., corporation).
Holds other objects.
A location where an organization incorporated.
Holds other objects.
An area of service or jurisdiction an organization has over a region.
Holds other objects.
An identification for a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), to uniquely identify legally distinct entities that engage in financial transactions.
Holds other objects.
A license identification for an organization.
Holds other objects.
An identification assigned at a local level to an organization.
Holds other objects.
A location of an organization.
Holds other objects.
A name of an organization.
Holds text.
A date the organization name became effective.
Holds other objects.
A date the organization name became invalid.
Holds other objects.
A means of contacting an organization during late-night hours.
Holds other objects.
An alternate identification assigned to an organization.
Holds other objects.
An affiliate organization that owns, controls, or operates the organization.
Holds other objects.
An organization that owns, controls, or operates the organization.
Holds other objects.
A preferred means of contacting an organization.
Holds other objects.
A chief or high ranking executive of an organization.
Holds other objects.
A availability of an organization.
Holds text.
A availability of an organization or agency.
Holds code table entries.
A size of an organization.
Holds text.
A status of an organization.
Holds other objects.
A division of an organization.
Holds other objects.
A name of a subdivision of an organization.
Holds text.
A tax identification assigned to an organization.
Holds other objects.
A date an organization went out of business.
Holds other objects.
A name of a high-level division of an organization.
Holds text.
A date to which the organizational unit is valid.
Holds other objects.
Additional information about an organization.
Holds other objects that describe extra information, often from other domains.
Additional information about an organization.
Holds other objects that describe extra information, often from other domains.
Additional information about an organization.
Holds other objects that describe extra information, often from other domains.
Additional information about an organization.
Holds other objects that describe extra information, often from other domains.