NIEM Progression 5

Disclaimer: This tool was developed by Tom Carlson Consulting LLC. It was created from the official distribution of the data model. Tom Carlson Consulting LLC makes neither claim nor warranty that this tool provides an accurate representation of the NIEM data model. For official and authoritative representations, please visit the official NIEM release website.


A role of a K-12 student, played by a juvenile.

hs:Student holds other objects.

hs:Student can hold any of these following objects, starting with the most specific and becoming more generic as you move down the list:


A person of whom the role object is a function.

Holds other objects.


A current grade level in school.

Holds code table entries.


A current grade level in school.

Holds text.


A description of the juvenile's current educational program (e.g., grade level, curriculum, etc.).

Holds text.


True if the juvenile is currently enrolled in an educational program; false otherwise.

Holds true/false values.


A date a juvenile's current educational program is scheduled to conclude.

Holds other objects.


True if the juvenile is currently considered truant; false otherwise.

Holds true/false values.


A description of the educational issues related to the court report and service plan of any participant in the case.

Holds other objects.


An adjustment of a juvenile in a school setting.

Holds code table entries.


An adjustment of a juvenile in a school setting.

Holds text.


True if the student is eligible for enrollment in a special-education program (based on diagnosed developmental disabilities, learning disorders, etc.); false otherwise.

Holds true/false values.


A set of details about special education provided or needed.

Holds other objects.


A description of any change in grades and/or conduct in school.

Holds text.


A unique alphanumeric identification assigned to a student by an education organization.

Holds other objects.


A photograph of a student enrolled in a school.

Holds other objects.