Disclaimer: This tool was developed by Tom Carlson Consulting LLC. It was created from the official distribution of the data model. Tom Carlson Consulting LLC makes neither claim nor warranty that this tool provides an accurate representation of the NIEM data model. For official and authoritative representations, please visit the official NIEM release website.
A placement history of the child.
hs:Placement holds other objects.
hs:Placement can hold any of these following objects, starting with the most specific and becoming more generic as you move down the list:
A text field to indicate how the placement type is the least restrictive placement necessary.
Holds text.
A description of the relatives of a child or youth who might be available and able to provide some care.
Holds text.
A set of other information the agency considers relevant that promotes safety, permanency and well-being of the child in determining appropriate foster care placement or adoption. Examples would include relative placement, guardianship, family foster care, social
Holds text.
True if the child's school will change as the result of this placement; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if the receiving state approved the placement under the terms of Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC); false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A code list that describes the restrictiveness of a placement as defined by the Adoption and Safe Families Act or state law
Holds code table entries.
A kind of level of care, often expressed in terms of restrictiveness.
Holds text.
A code list describing the reason for the change of placement (e.g., reunification, level of care lowered, etc.).
Holds code table entries.
A reason a child or youth's placement was changed.
Holds text.
A list that describes the type of placement (e.g., adoption, relative, etc.)
Holds code table entries.
A kind of placement,
Holds text.
An identification that references an activity.
Holds other objects.
An actual duration of an activity.
Holds numbers.
True if the activity request was approved; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A date on which an activity was assigned.
Holds other objects.
A number for the specified maximum enrollment capacity of an activity.
Holds numbers.
A kind of activity.
Holds text.
A comment about the activity.
Holds other objects.
True if an activity has ended; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A person or organization to contact for additional information about an activity.
Holds other objects.
A date of an activity.
Holds other objects.
A description of an activity.
Holds text.
A result or outcome of an activity.
Holds other objects.
A date when an activity is expected to be completed.
Holds other objects.
A date when an activity is ready for service or action.
Holds other objects.
An expected amount of time an activity should last.
Holds numbers.
A description of the number of occurrences of an activity over a period of time.
Holds text.
A location of an activity.
Holds other objects.
A name of an activity.
Holds text.
An account of an activity as reported by an observer.
Holds other objects.
A prescribed period of time allowed or required for an activity.
Holds numbers.
A reason for an activity.
Holds text.
A date an activity was reported to some entity.
Holds other objects.
A date an activity was requested by an entity.
Holds other objects.
A date when an activity is scheduled.
Holds other objects.
A numerical identifier across multiple activities to define the order that they should be scheduled and undertaken.
Holds numbers.
A status of an activity.
Holds other objects.
A date when an activity is verified.
Holds other objects.
Additional information about an activity.
Holds other objects that describe extra information, often from other domains.
Additional information about an activity.
Holds other objects that describe extra information, often from other domains.