Disclaimer: This tool was developed by Tom Carlson Consulting LLC. It was created from the official distribution of the data model. Tom Carlson Consulting LLC makes neither claim nor warranty that this tool provides an accurate representation of the NIEM data model. For official and authoritative representations, please visit the official NIEM release website.
A role of a juvenile, played by a person defined as a juvenile rather than an adult under the law.
hs:Juvenile holds other objects.
hs:Juvenile can hold any of these following objects, starting with the most specific and becoming more generic as you move down the list:
A person of whom the role object is a function.
Holds other objects.
True if the juvenile's friends who have been arrested; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or as Hyperactive; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if the juvenile was ever adopted; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A description of the specific cultural needs of a juvenile and family.
Holds text.
True if either of the child's parents are deceased; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if the juvenile has an emotional disturbance; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A description of whether juvenile's family is experiencing financial problems.
Holds code table entries.
A description of whether juvenile's family is experiencing financial problems.
Holds text.
True if juvenile was ever placed in foster care home or group home; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A description of a future aspiration or goal.
Holds text.
True if the juvenile is or has ever been homeless; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if juvenile has their own space or private area at home; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if juvenile's home is a safe place; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A description of behaviors exhibited by a juvenile.
Holds text.
True if the juvenile was ever placed in kinship care; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if the juvenile has ever lived without lights, power, water and/or food; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A description of any legal concerns (for example, custodial information, restraining orders).
Holds text.
A description of other people living in the home with the juvenile and family.
Holds text.
A description of the evaluation of whether a juvenile's maturation is within normal limits.
Holds text.
True if juvenile is able to talk to parent or guardian about important issues; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if parent or legal guardian uses drugs or alcohol; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A description of positive activities in which a juvenile engages.
Holds text.
True if a person engages in positive activities; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if a person has positive relationships with peers; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
A description of the impact of problems on family and social system.
Holds text.
True if the person is a repeat offender; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
True if the juvenile has any special need that qualifies his or her adoption for a subsidy under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.
An enumerated list from the Adoption and Foster Care Annual Reporting System, 45 CFR 1355, appendix B (Adoption Data Elements), section III (Special Needs Status).
Holds code table entries.
A textual description of a state-defined characteristic that qualifies a child's adoption for a subsidy under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
Holds text.
A description of the strengths and Interests of juvenile.
Holds text.
True if friends get into trouble; false otherwise.
Holds true/false values.